Thursday, December 10, 2015

Christmas Tag!

Hey guys!

So it's been a while since I posted anything and that's because I upgraded my computer to windows 10 and since then Blogger hasn't been working for me.  I can't post photos, it won't even let me click on them. I was doing my blogs from my phone but the Blogger app doesn't let you put the pictures where you want that's why the last several Blogs I posted the pictures were at the bottom which I really dislike. I thought I could save them from the app and then go onto the computer and edit it so the pictures could be where I wanted them to be and I can't even do that. I am going to try to figure out what is going on because I miss blogging so for now I'm just going to do it from my phone and hopefully I'll be able to get back to my regular posting soon.

Now on to the good stuff... I decided to do the Christmas Tag that I've been seeing on YouTube. I haven't seen many recent ones but I think the tag is pretty cool so I'm going to do it and make a few changes because I'm blogging it not taping it.

Here we go....

1. Use one noise to describe how excited you are for Christmas.     I can't say it because this is a blog but it would be something like Ahhh I'm so excited.

2. What's the best present you've ever been given and why?     I honestly can't pick the best present because I've had so many but my favorites are usually the simple little gifts that I get in my stocking.

3. What's the worst present you've ever been given and why?     I haven't gotten anything that I didn't like. Everyone knows me pretty well and they know I don't like clutter so they only get me things that I will use or I get money and gift cards which are great.

4. Sing a line from your favorite Christmas song.     Again this is a blog so I can't sing but my favorite Christmas song is Last Christmas and I love all versions.

5. What's your favorite Christmas film?     Christmas Vacation and Home Alone 1 & 2 are tied for my all time favorites.

6. Show how good you are at wrapping a present?     Again a blog lol but I love to wrap and add little things like bows or ribbon and either candy canes or pens or little toys to them just to make each one different and unique.

7. If you could rename one of Santa's reindeer, what would you name it?     This one is easy. Growing up I always thought ones name was Donner. It wasn't until I was in middle school that I found out its actually pronounced Donder. So I would rename Donder and name his Donner just because it sounds better! Lol

8. What's your favorite thing about Christmas?     I love decorating the Christmas tree and wrapping presents for everyone.

So that's my Christmas Tag. I tag everyone. These are some of my favorite blogs to read and favorite videos to watch so let me know in the comments or on Instagram if you have done one so I can go and read or watch it.

Thanks for reading :)


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