Monday, October 12, 2015

October Skoshbox Unboxing

Today's blog post is the October Skoshbox Unboxing. This is a Japanese snacks and candy monthly subscription service that costs $12 a month. There are also some other bigger boxes to choose from for more money as well. I will rate the snacks as I liked them just like I did last month. Enjoy!

The first thing in the box were the Kimchi Senbei Mini Kimchi Rice Crackers. I didn't like these at all. They smelled and tasted like fish. I was really surprised that I didn't like them because I love fish but fish crackers just don't have the same taste apparently. 1 out of 10

The next item is Ramune  Bottle Candy. The candy came in a cute little blue bottle that kind of looks like a robot and it's reusable which is nice. This candy tasted sort of like smarties but they were a little bit softer. 7 out of 10

The next thing in the box is my favorite this month. The Torotto Choco-Bites. These tasted like fudge brownies and were so amazing. These definitely didn't last that long once I got through the box! 10 out of 10

The next item was the Kajiri-Cho Soft Candy. This was a grape soda flavored candy that reminded me of Laffy Taffy but it was a little bit softer. It was so good. 9 out of 10

Next was the Blueberry Plus Bar. This is a high energy Blueberry wafer. These tasted just like the Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry wafers that you can get in the United States. 9 out of 10

Next was he Chocolate Pie Stick. This looked like a mini chocolate danish but tasted like a little long piece of chocolate cake. Sooo good.  10 out of 10

The last two things in the box were two pieces of the Nama-ume Candy. This is an Ume Plum candy with a gooey jam center. I could definitely taste the plum and the center wasn't too bad either. It was kind of like a semi sour plum jelly. 8 out of 10

I really liked this month's box. There was only 1 thing that I didn't like at all so that was cool. I definitely recommend everyone try this box if you're looking for something different to snack on or if you want to try food from another country.  This is my second box and I'm loving it so far. Can't wait until next month!

Thanks for reading :)


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