Sunday, January 17, 2016

Glam Glow Flashmud Brightening Treatment Mask Review

Today's blog is a review for the Glam Glow Flashmud Brightening Mask Treatment.

To use this mask you apply it to your dry face in circular motions to pre-exfoliate. You leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash off with water. It says to use high SPF sunscreen to maintain results.

This mask claims these 5 things... brighten, radiance, luminous, even tone, correct.

It contains White Birch Leaf and delivers natural Betulin, Betulinic Acid and Ellagic Acid to improve and balance skin tone.

It says to use it 3 days in a row for improved results and then 2 to 3 times a week for maintained results. Results will be lost during direct or extended sun exposure.

The full size is $69. I got a .5oz sample in an IPSY bag that I am using to try it out.

As for my review... First off I want to say that if you have sensitive skin, this might not be the best mask for you. I have extremely sensitive skin and after using this my face was very red for a while. The redness did go down and I didn't have any breaks out or rashes so that was good. This may or may not happen to everyone with sensitive skin but this is how my skin reacted to it so I just want to make that clear. That is really the only complaint that I have which really isn't about the mask itself just my skins reaction to it. I love the texture of the mask. It's very exfoliating and you can see the leaves in the mask when you apply it to your face. I've never used a mask like that and I thought it was amazing. The smell isn't too strong but it's also not an extremely well smelling mask either which is fine with me. Other then the redness, my skin was so smooth after using the Glam Glow Flashmud Brightening Mask. I could really tell the difference. After the redness wore off I applied some of my Simple Rich Moisturizer and it just slid on.

I would recommend this product to anyone that wants to try out a new face mask or a new brand. If you have sensitive skin I would still say give it a chance if you want to. I did and although I had redness, that went away and I had no other reactions. As for the price, I'm not planning on buying it anytime soon. I just think that it's too much for a mask when I can get one that works just as well for me for a lot less and I can get alot more product. If you have the extra money to spend and want to then definitely go ahead but I would suggest trying to get a sample and try it out first just so that you're not spending your money on something that may not work for you.

That's my review for the Glam Glow Flashmud Brightening Mask Treatment.

Thanks for reading :)


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