Friday, May 15, 2015

Shower Routine

This is my shower routine and like my makeup routine this also changes every once in a while...

1. Shampoo. Right now I am trying out Tea Tree Shampoo.

2. Conditioner. I am using the Color Me Happy conditioner for color treated hair.

3. Body Wash. I love this coconut scented body wash from Herbal Essences.

4. Face Wash. I'm using this Simple Foaming Cleanser after using FAB Face Cleaner and my cleaning system.

5. Cleanser. Right now I am trying out the First Aid Beauty Face Cleaner with my cleaning system.

6. Cleansing System. I use my Olay VA-VA-VIVID every day. I love it and I'm looking into getting a cleaning system that is a little more expensive.

I know that I am using two cleansers but I am trying one out that I haven't used before and I like using the foaming cleanser last because it takes off any remaining makeup and just makes my face feel cleaner.

Thanks for reading :)


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