Saturday, September 5, 2015

August Favorites!

These are the things that I have been loving for the month of August...
I have been loving the Bath & Body Works Cool Melon Kiwi body spray. Since I finished all the fragrances from my Project Pan this is all I have been using.
This is the first month that I haven't had multiple nail polish favorites. I decided in August to give my nails a break and I only used the Miracle Nail from my local Dollar Tree.
I have been loving the Paris Amour 3 Wick Candle from Bath & Body Works. It fills the whole room while its burning and it smells amazing.
I loved all of the goodies that I received in the August Love With Food box. I did a blog post unboxing the box if you are interested in checking that out for more details.
I also really enjoyed the August Candy Club box. My previous blog post is the unboxing so check that out if you want more information.
I have been watching The Golden Girls on DVD non stop for the past month. I am currently on season seven and I am obsessed. I have loved this show for so long and it's one of those shows that I can watch over and over again and never get sick of it.
I also finally got around to watching Insurgent and The Longest Ride. They were such good movies. I love anything by Nicholas Sparks so The Longest Ride was definitely an A+ for me. I think that I like Insurgent even more than Divergent and I usually don't like sequels as much as the originals. I recommend both of these movies.
I have also been enjoying my Project 10 Pan. I have used up many products and I am excited to be blogging the finale in the next couple of weeks.
I also really liked the Ipsy Glam Bag for the month of August. I am currently using this as my wallet.
Those are my favorites for August.
Thanks for reading :)

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