Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sweater Weather Tag!

Here is another fun little tag blog. I don't know why but I love doing these. I wish I could find some other than seasonal ones that I could write a blog for and not need to make a video. If anyone knows of any let me know in the comments or on my Instagram. Thanks.

1. Favorite candle scent? 
Pumpkin anything

2. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? 

3. What's the best fall memory you have?
Making scarecrows with leaves and old clothes at my grandparents house

4. Which makeup trend do you prefer: dark lips or winged eyeliner?
Dark lips

5. Best fragrance for fall?
Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin from Bath & Body Works

6. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
Deviled Eggs and rolls

7. What is autumn weather like where you live?
It starts cooling down and the leaves change colors and fall off the trees. It's so pretty.

8. Most worn sweater?
I don't really wear sweaters. I prefer hoodies.

9. Must-have nail polish this fall? 
Black. I usually live in black nail polish for the month of October. LOL!

10. Football games or jumping in leaf piles?
Jumping in leaf piles.

11. Skinny jeans or leggings?

12. Combat boots or Uggs?

13. Is pumpkin spice worth the hype?
I haven't tried the drink but I like the scent of pumpkin and cinnamon spice so I will probably have to try it. Knowing me the answer would be yes!

14. Favorite fall TV show? 
I watch a lot of TV shows but the ones that I really love that premiere in the fall are Once Upon A Time, The Originals, Grey's Anatomy and The Vampire Diaries.

15. What songs really gets you into the fall spirit?
I don't really have a particular song that gets me into the fall spirit but every other year Taylor Swift releases an album in October and I usually live on that for a few months!!!

I tag everyone who loves fall or who just wants to do a fun tag.

Thanks for reading :)


Happy Fall :)

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