Saturday, April 11, 2015

First Aid Beauty Products Review

Todays blog is a review of my favorite First Aid Beauty Products. FAB Products are not made with harsh chemicals, fragrances or any other known allergens so it's good for sensitive skin which is why I love these products so much.
Ultra Repair Cream ~ I use this when I have extremely dry patches of skin especially my knees, elbows and feet. I also use it a lot during the winter when I get chapped and chaffed skin. It feels amazing on the skin and works great.
Ultra Repair Lip Therapy ~ I love this! I use this every time my lips are dry and chapped. I love the tingly sensation when it's on my lips. It also smells really good.
Face Cleanser ~ I change my facial cleanser every time I finish one up and this is by far one of my favorite cleansers after the Simple foaming cleanser.
Facial Radiance Pads ~ I use these a few times a week before I moisturize. I love the way they feel on my skin. They are so cool and refreshing and they don't bother my sensitive skin at all. I recommend all of these products.
That's my review of my favorite Simple Skincare products. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to leave comments telling me what your favorite FAB products are and why you are loving them. Thanks for reading :)

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