Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Olay Fresh Effects Spot Zinger Review

Today's blog is a product review for the Olay Fresh Effects Spot Zinger.
The package says it is a 2-in-1 Salicylic Acid Acne Spot Treatment. Its used to treat acne obviously. You are suppose to clean your skin before applying and then massage it into the affected areas. It says to start with one application daily and then gradually increase to two or three if needed or as directed by a doctor.
I use the Spot Zinger once a day, a night after I have showered and I am ready for bed. I put it on breakouts that I am having and usually within two days the breakouts are either gone or have reduce in size and redness depending on how bad my breakout is at that particular time.
There isn't a strong smell which I like and it doesn't dry out my skin or cause any redness. So far I am loving how it is working for my breakouts but I am lucky enough that I don't have severe acne just the occasional breakouts so I cannot speak for someone who has a more severe case.
I do recommend this product to anyone who has light to medium breakouts and to people who want to try a spot treatment. I believe I paid $4 at WalMart for it. Also if you are someone with severe breakouts I think I would recommend talking to your doctor to see if this product is the best for you because if you are using anything else you don't want to mix things if you don't know how your skin will respond and you don't want to make the problem worse.
Thanks for reading :)
XOXO Lola 

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