Monday, March 23, 2015

Ways To Stop Biting Nails

Todays blog are ways to help you stop biting your nails. I used to be a very bad nail biter when I was younger and some of these really did help.

1. Wear fake nails. If you have fake nails on then you can't bite your natural nails.
2. Find a new habit like finger tapping, humming or chewing gum.
3. Buddy system. Have people around you that can tell you to stop when you are biting your nails.
4. Relax. Drink teas or use lotion.
5. Keep your nails groomed.
6. Apply a deterrent. Use creams and oils to stop yourself from biting. There are also things in the drugstore that taste bad that you can put on your nails.
7. Find out why you bite. I bit my nails when I was nervous or uncomfortable so I had to find something else to do instead. I now play with my hair.
8. Seek treatment. If your nail biting gets really bad then talk to a professional about things that you can do.

These are only some options and the ones that I think are the most beneficial. I stopped biting my nails but using lots of lotion because it doesn't taste great. I also started playing with my hair in situations where I would normally bite my nails.

Thanks for reading :)


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