Wednesday, July 15, 2015

EOS Shaving Cream Review

Today's blog is going to be a review of the EOS Shaving Cream. I was so excited to use it because I am a big fan of the lip balm and lotion. Unfortunately, I am not a fan of the shaving cream.
First off, the consistency is more like a lotion than a shaving cream. I prefer the foam.
Secondly, I feel like it doesn't give you as close of a shave as the foaming shaving cream does.
And the third and final thing I dislike about it is that it seems to get stuck in my razor quite a bit. I find that I have to clean it off using a washcloth or sponge instead of just rinsing the razor off in water.
Now, although I am not a fan of the EOS Shaving Cream and I will not be repurchasing it when I am done, I do like that it comes with a pump bottle because I feel like it keeps it cleaner and you don't have shaving cream all around the lid. I also love the smell. I got the Vanilla Bliss and it smells so good.
Everyone has their own opinions on things so feel free to try it out and let me know how you like it. I'm sure it will work for some people but for me personally, I am just not a fan.
Thanks for reading :)

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