Saturday, February 7, 2015

Skin Care & Moisturizers Collection

Hello Everyone!
Today's Blog is my skin care & moisturizers collection. This is my favorite part of my whole collection because I love doing face masks and moisturizing! I really hope you enjoy this Blog and get lots of ideas.
These are my face masks. I could totally own 100 of these because I love them so much but I hold myself back because I can obviously only use one at a time! I got the three big masks from Ulta and the Boscia mini face mask I got with my 100 points from Sephora.
The pink mask is Freeman's Pomegranate Facial Revealing Peel Off Mask. It goes on clear and kind of makes you look like you are really sweaty! It smells so good. I leave it on for about 20 minutes and then peel it off, cleanse my face & then moisturize and my skin feels amazing. The green mask is also Freeman's and it's a Cucumber Facial Peel Off Mask and it works the same as the Pomegranate one. The white mask is Queen Helene Mud Pack Masque. It goes on a light brown color and I do the same thing with the mud mask that I do with the others expect I wash it off instead of peeling it off. The Boscia Luminating Black Mask goes on black and as with the peel off masks I do the same thing and then peel it off. This is definitely my new favorite mask and I even included it in my January favorites Blog so check that one out as well.
These are my other face products. The Simple Make up remover pads I use to remove my waterproof mascara and they work great and are so gentle on my eyes. The Olay make up remover wipes I just use to wash swatches off my hands. They have a fragrance smell so I am afraid to put them on my face because I always seem to get a rash or break out whenever I use anything with fragrance in it. I also have the Yes to Cucumbers wipes but I have not tried these yet. Look for a Blog review of those in the future! Then I have the First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads. I use one of these every night before I moisturize and I love them.
These are my lotions and moisturizers. I use the Creamy Petroleum Jelly & First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream for the dry skin I have on my knees, feet & elbows. I have been doing some research because I heard that petroleum is not good for you so I may throw that out and stop using petroleum jelly all together. The two Jergens lotions are a Shea Butter & and an Ultra Healing lotion and those I use on my hands because I work with my hands a lot for my job and the chemicals are harsh on my skin. The Simple moisturizer is my all time favorite moisturizer. It's so light and gentle on my face. The Eucerin moisturizer is what I am using right now and is a cheaper mositruizer when I can't find the Simple one on sale. These are the only two moisturizers that I have found that I have been able to use on my face without breaking out or getting a rash. The BB lotion I haven't used yet. I got that one in my Winter Walmart Beauty Box but I am looking forward to trying it out in the future.
The last of the products are just some random little pieces that I put together. The first is Nair Face Cream. This I use on my mustache when I notice hair coming in. I am too much of a wimp to use wax and this works very well for me. The only downfall is that it smells like rotten eggs but that is worth it to me as long as I don't have to use wax!!! The next product is the First Aid Beauty Eye Duty Triple Remedy which I haven't tried yet but I am looking forward to trying it out. The Boscia make up break up cool cleansing oil is for removing face makeup but I actually use it just as a cleansing oil because I don't really use face makeup and the oil just makes my skin feel so nice. The last product is the E.L.F. Zit Zapper. I just used this recently because I had a small break out but I haven't used it enough to give it a review so look for that in a future Blog.
That's all for today's Blog. I hope it gives you ideas of products to try and if there are any products that you like make sure to leave suggestions for me.
Thanks for reading :)

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