Wednesday, June 10, 2015

How I Blog...Any Suggestions?

Todays Blog is going to be different than any of the others. This one is going to be about how I blog. How I choose the topics, take pictures, and post. I do not consider myself a complete blogger. There are things that I am still working on and things that I want to improve on. If anyone has any suggestions please leave them in the comments below or in any of my Instagram photos. I greatly appreciate any tips on making my blog better.

The first thing I do is make a list in my notebook. This list includes any blog ideas that I have, products that I want to talk about, ideas that I get from watching YouTube videos, etc.

Next I take photos on my phone of any products that I want to include as part of the blogs. I find that this is the hardest part. I am still trying to find the best background, way to set things up and lighting. It's been my experience that my photos either come out too dark or too light. If I take the photos when it's dark and use a flash, the products have a shine most of the time. If I take the photos when it's light and don't use a flash they seem like they are too dark. I am constantly trying to improve the quality of my photos to not only post on my Instagram but also to make my blog a little better.

The next thing I do is add the photos to my blog and then write out everything that I want to. I try not to make it too long so that people don't get bored and have to read a short story but I also try not to make them too short so people think that I don't put time and effort into my blog.

The last thing I do is publish my blog and then post a photo on my Instagram saying what my blog post is about and adding some hash tags for products, brands, or other things that are included in my blog post. I usually use the Instagram filters to edit the photo that I am using.

Depending on how much time I have and how busy I am during the week, sometimes I write the blog and post it on the same day. Sometimes I write multiple blogs in the same day and schedule them for different days and times.

So that is basically what I do when it comes to blogging. I am still pretty new to it and I'm still learning things. I am very tech challenged and don't know how to do a lot of things when it comes to editing and layouts and things like that.

Feel free to leave me any suggestions and tips for making my blog better and for taking photos. I appreciate any help I can get.

Thanks for reading :)


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