Sunday, June 21, 2015

I Love Summer Tag!

Today is the first day of Summer so I thought I would post the I Love Summer Tag! Enjoy!!!! :)

1. Favorite Bronzer : I don't use bronzer.

2. Favorite Summer Drink: Raspberry Iced Tea.

3. Favorite Summer Lip Product: Anything moisturizing like Baby Lips, Nivea or EOS.

4. Pool or Beach: Depends on what I want to do. If I want to swim then pool, if I want to tan then beach.

5. What is your must have hair styling product: Only product I really use is leave in conditioner.

6. Sun Bathing or Fake Tan: Sun Bathing.

7. Favorite Summer Nail Polish: At the moment Essie Blossom Dandy.

8. Any Summer Traditions: BBQ, Beach Party, Fireworks, Camping.

9. Favorite Summer Scent: At the moment Victoria's Secret Mango Temptation Body Spray.

10. Favorite BBQ Food: Chicken and Corn on the Cob.

11. Favorite Summer Proof Product: Waterproof Mascara.

12. Any Summer Plans: Read, Swim, Hike, Camp, Shop, BBQ.

I tag anyone who wants to do it!

Thanks for reading :)


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