Thursday, June 25, 2015

Things That Could Be Causing Your Breakouts

I suffer from break outs once in a while and I try to pin point exactly what is breaking me out. Below is a list of some of the things that I have found to break me out and also some general ideas for helping to prevent them as well.

1. Cell Phone. Frequently wipe down with a disinfectant wipe.

2. Yoga Mat. Wipe before and after especially if you are using someone else's.

3. Pillow Cases. Wash once a week.

4. Hands. Try not to touch your face especially when you haven't washed your hands.

5. Laundry Detergent. I am allergic to some detergents and they make me breakout.

6. Food. This can sometimes be a cause. For example greasy foods.

7. Makeup. I breakout when I use foundation and some moisturizers/lotions.

8. Period. If you are a female, you can break out during that time of the month.

Thanks for reading :)


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