Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How To: Cleanse Your Face

So I thought I would do something a little different for todays blog, I am going to do a how to type of blog. This one is How To: Cleanse Your Face...

1. Wash your face. This gets rid of a majority of your makeup, oil and residue.

2. Makeup Remover Toilette. This will clean any remaining makeup that is still left on your face and you can also remove mascara.

3. Use your cleansing system brush if you have one to deep clean your face and get anything that could be left behind from the previous steps.

4. Apply Toner. This restores the PH Balance of your skin. Moisturizers and skin treatments also work better. (I need to start doing this)

5. Add serum or eye cream. Wait two minutes to allow this to soak into your skin.

6. Use moisturizer/night cream.

7. Use Spot Treatment. Use this after you moisturize to avoid flaking in the morning.

8. Drink 8 oz. of water. This hydrates your skin and is just overall good for you.

Tip: Do not put more than 5 products on your face before bedtime.

Thanks for reading :)


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